This question involves a huge form in a web application for bookings. This form in its initial state contains "read-only" fields and the user can select to perform several actions. For example, one action is to amend a booking. By selecting the "amend" action some of the initially "read-only" fields are now editable and the user can change their values and resubmit the form. There are more actions available for the user and each action makes different fields editable. Moreover, the editable fields per action are not sequential. Can be fields on the top of the form and on the bottom. Note that the form is so huge that the user will need to scroll down to see all the editable fields. One other thing is that only one action is allowed at the time.
So one option would be to create a modal box per action with all the fields available for editing according to the action selected. In that way, it is also ensured that one action per time is performed.
Could anyone suggest of other alternatives?