I would like help with a naming convention for product images. The images are currently given names like 'widget - front left 2.jpg' and so on. These are not user friendly!
In this instance the UX is part admin - it is a product catalog - and it is also front end, with a sensible naming convention we can derive friendly names (and translate them) for the image labels.
I was working on the idea of 'SKU-CODE' followed by some signifier for the image type (e.g. in a box or not) and then a view angle code.
For instance, 'XYZ1234-FL.jpg' could mean the front-left view of the product XYZ1234 without the box.
'ABC5678+TR.jpg' could mean the top right view of product with sku ABC5678 with the box.
Ideally the scheme works and can be understood easily by those that need to know it. However there are a myriad of angles that could potentially be used - front, back, top, bottom, left, right and the combinations of those, e.g. the 'front-left' view could also be angled so it is looking down on the product, a 'front-topleft' view.
I guess that this problem has been solved before in some way, possibly in another discipline, e.g. architecture. If anyone knows of a scheme that works, please let me know!!!