Often times you will see deals and bonuses given to new customers or first time users. These deals can be anything from sign up fees waived, deals on products, to a month free subscription. Of course these promotions are designed as incentives to attract new customers. However, I was wondering what implications this has on current and returning customers.
Emotion: Nobody likes to feel left out, so when coming on to a website and finding that they are offering promotions that you're NOT ALLOWED to participate does it elicit contempt? What if these promotions are for free premium service or "pro member status"? Now you are literally putting these new users ahead of your loyal members.
Logistics: There is also the issue of the space it takes up. If you take up even 10% of your page pandering to new customers that space is now useless to returning customers.
So the question is does focusing on new users push away current users? Is there a less abrasive way to offer these type of deals to first time customer without upsetting anyone (if it does upset them)? Is there any kind of data pointing to some golden rule of new user influx versus old customers leaving from anger?