As the web continues to evolve and more complex applications emerge, there is a need to let the user quickly navigate between applications. This action is different from the navigation menu we see inside apps, the controversial hamburger menu icon that has become a convention for global navigation on smaller screens. Here we are looking at the navigation between applications.
Google uses this one to let users navigate between the applications Google Maps, Google Play, Google Drive and many other Google Applications.
Microsoft also uses this one to let their users navigate between applications OneDrive, Word Online, Sway and other Microsoft Apps.
But there are other ways of conveying the same message. Some uses 4x4 16-dots icon, and others 4-dots which looks like an extension of the 3-dots more menu. Question is if the 3x3 9-dots apps menu icon is the one to use, as it looks like the bigger players uses this icon as their metaphor for switching between applications.
Note: This question is not about the hamburger menu. It's about the use of an apps menu.