If that drop down menu is a list of articles, your best option is to stop using it. Menus like that exist for more permanent navigation options. (Home, About, Contact Us, etc)
A better option is to list your most recent articles from a location on the main page with either a synopsis or a short extract from the article. Although more frequently on blogs, articles are being displayed in full, one after the other in sequence. In a blog, the articles should be the primary focus and as such you want to give them the most real-estate on the page as opposed to relegating them to a small menu that is hidden most of the time.
I'd also like to give you a few suggestions regarding some of the other elements on that page.
I would strongly recommend removing the background image entirely. It can be very enticing to add images that you like, but a repeating background image like that adds a lot of noise to the page, subtracts focus from the rest of the content, and makes some elements hard to read/see.
You might also consider shrinking or moving the images at the bottom of that frame, as they clutter the design in their current configuration.