I need to know how much web shoppers in certain countries pay attention to and care about ccTLDs (country code top-level domain e.g. .co.uk or .fr) That is, does it matter to a UK web shopper if a website is called 'website.com' or 'website.co.uk', how much does it matter, and how does this vary by country?
There's hardly any information about this online, in fact, when I search for leads, I repeatedly come across the two questions I've asked on the topic, one here on UXSE, and and another on the Moz Q&A Forum. Other articles on the topic, like this one suggest that "If you use a ccTLD website you can expect higher CTR, higher conversion rates and higher spend per order", but this it typical in that it puts this behavior into the "safe assumption" category.
So I'm simply going to pay for a one question survey and ask 1000 demographically targeted individuals in the countries I care about.
I think if I ask someone from the UK "Is it important to that the website you're shopping on is a .co.uk domain?", they're more likely to say yes because they actually consider the answer, and hence are more likely to rationalize their decision in a way they may not when browsing or shopping online.
Are there any recognized techniques, and/or can anyone suggest ideas about how to ask this kind of question to get the most genuine answer possible? How can I help them channel an emotional answer, rather than the logical/rational one they are more likely to provide?
Edit: I expected answers of the "I've got nothing on this, but let me solve your problem in another way" variety, and that's what I've got. I appreciate that ideally I should observe behavior and am now considering options on that front, but this essentially a question about asking difficult questions. Any input on that topic would be greatly appreciated.