I'm adding an ASP.NET Ajax combobox to one of our internal web apps. The combobox combines a dropdown list and a text field into the same control, allowing the user to either choose one of the existing entries from the list or to enter a new value not in the list:
We use comboboxes in other parts of our app, but in no other cases do the comboboxes allow the user to add a new entry to the list if their desired entry is missing (in those other cases the ability to type directly into the combobox is provided simply as an "autosuggest/autocomplete" feature for the dropdown list). Because of that, I'm adding an "information" icon with a tooltip explaining the usage:
In the tooltip, which of the following wordings is most appropriate:
- type in your own value
- type your own value
- enter your own value
- ...something else?
I had also toyed with various other wordings, such as one that would inform the user that any custom entries they entered would be permanently added to the list for future selection, but I was concerned about getting too wordy. In this scenario, would you put more information in the tooltip or is a simpler wording sufficient?
Incidentally, this combobox appears on a screen where the user enters a bunch of data in various fields then clicks a "Save" button as their final task.