What other options are there for a more usable intuitive multi-select on mobile?
Can we get more details here? Is this for one-off buttons? Lists of selections? What is the use-case you have in mind here?– JonW ♦Commented May 21, 2015 at 15:35
Interesting question but as JonW said we need a few more details.– MayoCommented May 21, 2015 at 15:40
Would be a list of selections like the image above. It's a responsive web app.– Steve JonesCommented May 21, 2015 at 15:43
I was just curious if there was any common or new innovative ways to do multi-select. I'm new to StackExchange so thanks for bearing with me!– Steve JonesCommented May 21, 2015 at 15:44
Check boxes aren't dead, you just need to give them a bigger tap area. I tend to use a custom control in these cases that is self-evident as a "big check box".– plainclothesCommented May 21, 2015 at 23:04
3 Answers
You could have (apologies as this is crude):
download bmml source – Wireframes created with Balsamiq Mockups
Suggest 'Hit Area' around the item:
@SteveJones First of all be sure to a 3min read of msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh465475.aspx . Microsoft has some great insights, didn't expect that :). Now considering the nature of touching a screen, the hit area is just better in most cases because it can provide a large tapping area and it lets you keep the "select box" UI element.– gpelelisCommented May 21, 2015 at 23:16
I think if you have a touch interface and you are willing to explore options, I think circling items would be a pretty interesting way to do multi-selection. This probably wouldn't work so well on a mobile phone, but perhaps a tablet would be an ideal way to explore how this might work.
Does this mean displaying a circle to show that the item is selected, or making the user draw a circle to select an item? The latter would be a huge pain for users with mobility impairments / motor issues, those in a rush, and those trying to work one-handed.– octernCommented Mar 21, 2016 at 14:30
@octern Point taken, although the question is pretty generic and doesn't really specify such requirements (and I know we should be doing inclusive design). As an alternate approach circling would be interesting to implement though. I think the mobile interface is not designed to handle too much interactions, despite all the gesturing APIs being developed and used in at least the gaming apps.– Michael Lai ♦Commented Mar 21, 2016 at 22:02
Here is a cool bootstrap library for mobile-friendly switches (checkbox alternatives)