I am not sure on the best way to handle some pagination I need to perform on a table that could potentially get very big (5,000 rows plus).
My first question is should the amount of rows shown per page be dictated only by the layout, or should the amount of pages also come into consideration. For example should I say < 1000 show 20 rows, >= 1000 show 30 rows?
The next question is how best to navigate between the pages, assuming the user has filtered the table as much as they can and they are left with 50 pages of information, should they get an input box to jump to page 45? Or should skip(1) skip(5) buttons suffice? At this time I don't know how the end user is going to use the tables so I am unsure as to what option to let them try first.
Finally, does anyone have any good examples of pagination done right they could share? I am always looking for good reference material!