On the internet there is a lot of bashing on the Hamburger Icon & the matching Nav Drawer.
I realize it sometimes might be a pattern which should be avoided when simpler, more explicit options are available.
However, I haven't seen proper alternatives to a large side navigation menu which wouldn't make a user like me want to uninstall the app.
I was wondering what alternatives exist as a replacement for the Navigation Drawer, for both native apps and websites.
The most common option I've seen is the tab bar which works fine with 3 or 4 items. However, we're still scrolling vertically in general to read more lines and when you have 10+ items this is going to be inconvenient.
Nav Drawer, 2 steps: click the icon or swipe from left to right to reveal. When revealed you should see all the available options.
Tab Bar, 2 steps: Swipe over the bar in hopes of finding the item you are looking for if you even know what to look for, then when found tap the item.
Also an issue in the current app I'm working on is that there are views which actually contain tab bars, up to 3 items in here which are mostly click through to the next view level.
Maybe relevant: I'm not building a simple website extension it's for communities in which people actively participate and there is a lot of depth and detail. About 8 different Modules and some custom content is available, widgetting all this in a single page/single view will be nearly impossible. This might be the reason that I'm willing to live with the Nav Drawer since it's just extremely complex in the end.
Apologies for bringing this negatively but I'd love to see other options for whatever cases, I agree that when the navigation is simple it should fit in the main view.