I have several testing/survey systems. One of the big debates is how to deal with questions that require multiple answers.
Configuration #1
The user must have the exact check boxes marked. If they do they get "1" point, if they don't they get "0" points.
Configuration #2
The user would get points for each right answer they choose. If there were two right answers out of four then each would be worth ".5" points. And then the question author could give negative points to the other answers (you can never score worse than a "0" on a question). So if the other two answers were "-.5" and the user selected the two right answers and one wrong answer they would get ".5" points out of 1 for the question.
Configuration #3
Same as #2 except that one wrong answer means you get a "0". So they would retain half credit if they only marked 1 of the 2 correct choices.
What is the most accurate way to track scores? And what do users expect when answering multiple answers? From my standpoint the whole reason to use multiple answers is to create a harder question.