I have a one-to-many relationship, say a Monkey can have lots of Bananas.
The selection part is done by opening a popup and showing Bananas with a filter, add/remove buttons, etc.
My issue is how to display this selection back to the user. There can be a lot of Bananas (between 1 and 300 tops), and I don't want to take all the space to display them all.
I'd like to use as much space as one or two rows.
My thoughts:
- List the items in a combobox
The displayed value would show the number of selected Bananas. When you click on it, you would be able to see the whole list BUT not change the selection (I'd put an edit button next to it for that purpose).
My issue with this is that I've always used comboboxes to select things, never to display things.
- Homemade "drawer widget".
Same idea as above, but wouldn't look like a combobox so hopefully would not confuse users when they see they can't interact with it.
- Displaying some generated icons for each Banana (like Gravatar).
Doesn't suit my case well because we don't use this at the moment so the user wouldn't be able to recognize the icons.
- Use some Banana Groups.
My Bananas are already classified, so I thought I could use this to show Groups instead of Bananas. For instance I could display all the Group names followed by the number/percentage of Bananas selected within this group. That would take less space and may help the user in making sure its selection is complete.