I am creating a tagging system like Facebook. But unlike Facebook, where it would show all kinds of objects (eg. people, page, groups) under the '@' symbol, I want to separate things better. For example, I would like to use '@' to tag people only. And use another symbol to tag some other objects (eg. objects like page in FB).
I am thinking about to use '#' to do that, but '#' is now used in many sites as a symbol for hashtags, which is quite a different concept as it is not tagging an object but creating a metadata for people to find related conversations around it.
I am wondering if it is wise to use '#' in this case. I am afraid that it would create confusions to users. However, as the two objects on my site are quite different sort of things, I think using different symbols for them is still a nice idea. Is there any popular tagging symbol other than '@' or '#' that is being used? Or any other suggestions to let users understand the use of the symbols better? Thank you!
is directed at a user where they receive a notification of their mention. As for a hashtag, it doesn't alert the "other end" only because there isn't one (unless you count the list page). This, however, is pertaining to Facebook and Twitter.#
) and a tag (as used by blogs, on Stack Exchange, etc.). I’m not using Twitter, but AFAIK these don’t have anything to do with linking user accounts or alerting users.