I am working on a project management web app. When a user registers on the site after successfull registration I log him in and redirect him to the Projects listings.

Now since he is a new user and has no projected created yet. I can do one of the two and which one and why is my question.

Option 1 I could show a message like 'No project added yet, create one to get started' and an option to create a project.

Option 2 When loading the project listing page if I find that there are no projects i can redirect the user to create the project first.

2 Answers 2


Of the two options you suggest, I'd go with number one for the simple reason that auto-forwarding can be disorientating.

A third option is to put in a sample project for them to play with.

  • Sample project which then further contain sample bugs looks like a very good thing to do. User would be able to explore what all features the site has to offer without actually going and creating entities on his own. Thanks Commented Jan 28, 2015 at 4:30
  • Just remember to keep the sample, simple. You don't want to overwhelm the user or get into the really complex stuff: just give them an idea of "What does the product look like when being used properly?"
    – Jon Story
    Commented Jan 28, 2015 at 14:26

This is an awesome question on user on boarding. In most cases, users understand best when provided with an example. I can derive examples from games, where before you are pushed into actual missions, you are given step by step instructions to get accustomed to the key combinations and moves.

@yasser As you have mentioned in your comment, the user finds it easy when he first works on a sample project. This gives him a practical overview of the work area, actions and data. You can refer apps like Projectplace, Trello, etc for examples.

  • It should cover most probable scenarios. Usually it explains 20% features of an app which are used 80%of the time Commented Jan 28, 2015 at 5:06

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