I am a programmer & I am working on a web app that requires a GUI for facilitating mass data entry. Now this "data entry" can be of different types like audio, video, text etc. I already have forms for each type.
But I was wondering what are the best practices GUI-wise to handle this? I also need the capability of sorting these entries before they are even uploaded to the server.
Right now I can think of having one data entry form (of say text datatype) be always present by default & then have a little add button below it, clicking on which presents user the option of adding a dataentry form of one of the datatypes. This will cause the new form to appear right below the previous form.
Should I save everything at one-go when the user says, "Ok, I am done now!" Or I should save one data entry at a time & then give user constant update on which item is being processed right now? Since we are allowing audio, image, video uploads as well there is a consideration about a lot of time taken by the heavy files etc.
Is there any nicer way to approach this problem? Any mockups or sites I can look up?