This is similar to Should "Yes, delete it" be red, or green?, but I feel it isn't quite a duplicate as my situation is different.

I have a form which looks like this:

Form Example 1

When a user enters text into the input field, the green add button (+) appears. Clicking this button enables the submit button (Update) and allows the user to add more items. This creates something like this:

Form Example 2

If a user clicks on the Update button after entering text into the input field without first clicking the + button, a modal window appears asking whether they want to submit the form with that not-added input included or not.

This introduces a situation whereby both buttons with text "Yes" and "No" are positive, as regardless of which one gets clicked, the form will be submitted anyway:

Modal Example

I realise I could just disable the Update button if the not-added input field has text entered, but I feel forcing the user to clear the text manually before submitting the form (if they've changed their mind, for instance) may be counter-productive.

Is it okay to have two green 'success' buttons for the opposing choices, or does this make the options confusing? Should this be handled in some other way?

2 Answers 2


While this answer may not relate to the titled question, it does relate to your particular case.

I find the modal dialog itself very awkward, regardless of the color of the buttons.

When a user enters text into the input field, the green add button (+) appears. Clicking this button enables the submit button (Update) and allows the user to add more items. This creates something like this:

I think this is the source of all your problems.

Why not have the Update button enabled as soon as valid text is entered into the textbox, and the user should only press the + button if they want to add another item?

  • Definitely a better option. Commented Nov 11, 2014 at 1:55

I think the issue here is not what color to make those buttons but rather why is this message needed in the first place?

I have a similar implementation of adding emails to a report list and the add/remove buttons are always visible. It is understood that if something was typed then yes, it wants to be saved. Any empty/blank fields are simply ignored and if the page is refreshed then you only see boxes with values and none of the empties.

enter image description here

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