This is similar to Should "Yes, delete it" be red, or green?, but I feel it isn't quite a duplicate as my situation is different.
I have a form which looks like this:
When a user enters text into the input field, the green add button (+) appears. Clicking this button enables the submit button (Update) and allows the user to add more items. This creates something like this:
If a user clicks on the Update button after entering text into the input field without first clicking the + button, a modal window appears asking whether they want to submit the form with that not-added input included or not.
This introduces a situation whereby both buttons with text "Yes" and "No" are positive, as regardless of which one gets clicked, the form will be submitted anyway:
I realise I could just disable the Update button if the not-added input field has text entered, but I feel forcing the user to clear the text manually before submitting the form (if they've changed their mind, for instance) may be counter-productive.
Is it okay to have two green 'success' buttons for the opposing choices, or does this make the options confusing? Should this be handled in some other way?