The toilet paper dispenser in a bathroom stall at work made me think of an interesting problem.
There are two rolls hooked up and ready for use at any time. As the rolls get smaller and smaller, the bigger roll of the two seems to be the more popular choice, and subsequently they shrink at just about the same pace. The problem lies in the situation at the end of the day - a custodian would have to restock the paper, but if both rolls are in a close-to-but-not-quite-depleted state, they either have to throw them out or just leave them in a depleted state (which might be compensated with loose rolls provided in the stall, but this is not ideal).
What could I do to encourage use of just one roll at a time?
(If possible, I'd like suggestions that don't involve remodeling the dispenser.)
One idea I've seen in practice is to fold the paper into a corner at the end of the roll you want to preserve, but this seems to be interpreted as a convenient handle and doesn't seem to be very effective.
If possible, I'd like suggestions that don't involve remodeling the dispenser.
You're asking on a design site for changes that don't involve modifying the design??