In an enterprise application I have a list of items and their statuses, and we can't agree on the layout.
Some people are bothered by the ragged edge that's created on the left in the first version. They insist on aligning the statuses to the right.
Others are bothered by the distance that's created between the items and their statuses in the second version, and they insist on the first version.
Other options like moving the status to the left of the names or creating a dedicated column a bit to the right of the names have been considered and dismissed.
Each line has a good visual frame of its own and they're pretty wide apart (vertically), so even if the statuses are moved to the right, it's very unlikely for users to misalign a status to the wrong name, so that's not a concern.
This takes up the entire width of the screen.
How can we settle this?
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