There seems to exist some ambiguity when a table-based, multiple-item view needs to combine navigation ("Close"/"Back"), editing mode switching ("Edit") and aggregation ("+"/"Add") in a single navigation bar.
Apple seems to avoid the issue by inserting a dedicated "Add" row inside a table view and placing the "Edit" button either at the left side of a navigation bar (in case of a root view) or at the right side (?) of a navigation bar (in case of a stacked view).
I dislike the idea of a functionality-bound row in a table view that users have to hunt for all over the entire table and the "Edit" button changing positions within a navigation bar.
The solution I am considering is more than one button in a navigation bar, either: 1.) on the left side, ["Back" | "Edit" ---- TITLE --- "+"], or 2.) on the right side, ["Back" ---- TITLE --- "Edit" | "+"].
Context: a table view with editing-mode toggle capability (analogous to, say, iOS 7 Clock >> Alarm -s). In non-editing mode, a row tap means selection, "drilling-down" on that row, as suggested through a disclosure indicator (a row accessory). In editing mode, a row tap performs row modification, a row "-" performs row deletion.
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