I just got done with my Sign Up form set up for my File Sharing & Hosting service and now I'm at a point where I'm developing the returning of form errors.
There are 6 fields, and they are all mandatory which is said in the paragraph above the form. Error messages will be displayed in red and under the input it is about.
I came up with some error messages, but I am not sure if they are the most user friendly or if I need to reword them in any way for more consistency?
User doesn't fill in a name or fills it with illegal characters:
Please enter your name.
User doesn't fill in an email or fills it with an invalid email:
Please enter your email address.
User doesn't fill in a password or fills it with less then 6 characters:
Choose a password at least 6 characters long.
User doesn't fill in the reCAPTCHA code or fills it incorrectly:
Please enter the correct reCAPTCHA text.
User doesn't check the checkbox that agrees with the Terms:
You must agree to the terms of service.
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