I am designing a survey form and this is one of my questions:
How do you perceive the level of security for cloud services to be?
The survey participants are to choose from the following choices
Very Secure
, Secure
, Insecure
, Very Insecure
, Doesn't Matter
I can't decide if the layout should be Layout 1 or Layout 2
Layout 1
Very Secure
| Secure
| Insecure
| Very Insecure
| Doesn't Matter
Layout 2
Very Secure
| Secure
| Doesnt Matter
| Insecure
| Very Insecure
I can't decide if I should put the Doesn't Matter
option in the middle of the list of choices or at the end of the list of choices.
What are your opinions and recommendations?
Are there any guidelines or recommendation in regards to the layout of survey choice?
Note : Can someone suggest a better question name? I feel my question doesn't fully reflect the issue at hand.