Background of my project
I was recently asked to implement pages for customer feedback. This is aimed at customers who just bought one of our products. It is a major purchase of medical equipment.
I initially put the link to the pages in the "Contact" tab. An executive had then asked me to add it to the main tabs along the header. I responded that it might clutter the navigation, but they asked that I do it anyways because they wanted to allow for what they thought was a better user experience.
After reconsideration I can see their point. As this is a new product, the executives want to make sure that they make it very easy to be in touch with the customers to gather feedback and make improvements as necessary. This contact would not normally exist since the company does not sell direct to consumers, but has exclusive dealers.
My concern however is that a new potential customer who sees this header will think that "Installation Feedback" could mean testimonials about how the installation went. And that "training feedback" could mean testimonials about and a listing of training sessions.
- Is the existing solution offering a good user experience for existing customers?
- Could my concern be justified about the wording?
Perhaps we could say "survey" instead of "feedback"? - In regards to potential customers?
- Should I suggest a different wording?
- Would there be other layouts that make more sense?
Any other feedback is welcome