Our checkout system has 3 clear steps:
Basic Information - Title, Name, Email, Phone
Card Details - Payment Type, Card Details
Billing/Delivery Address - Company Name, Address
I would like to know if the user has a better experience by seeing all of these steps at once (by default) or by taking customers through a multi-step checkout process much like Amazon's order process, showing and hiding sections as they're filled.
The way I see it would be:
Combined Page
Users see all the information needed at once and make a decision whether it is worth their time to fill in, maybe putting off some potential customers.
Split into Sections
Users can fill in their information on a clearer, less packed page. Doesn't seem like as much to fill in and by the time the customer gets to step 3, (as evil as it sounds) they've already invested too much time to consider quitting the process.
Are my thoughts correct or are there other things to consider?