Most everyone has an email account for use at work, and the email account we use as private individuals. In a customer relationship management tool, how would you manage those to make the distinction between Work email and Personal email addresses clear for a service like insurance? The chief consideration is that we contact the customer via their preferred channel. And they are inputting their email addresses into the tool, via the customer service portal.
Do we differentiate email address types by time, location, privacy, or some other dimension? And how do we know which email we have, if we offer up time of day as the dimension? (Let's say I work nights. My "evening" email is my work email. But if I change jobs, I lose that email address.)
Time of Day: Daytime Email/Evening Email
Location: Work/Home
Privacy/Access/: My Spam Account/My Private Personal Email/My Work Email
Permanence: My Personal Email / My Work Email
The reasons we want to collect emails are many and varied. The customer has opted in to be notified of policy changes. We also want to invite the customer to events, keep them apprised of the progress of a claim, and market to them.
Which dimension(s) of an email address would you call out for the customer, and why?