I'm trying to come up with a few sources for quantifiable benefits of wireframing and prototyping, but I am having trouble finding results. I've seen plenty of "reduces requirements phase, improves quality, etc." but I am looking for studies with a few more numbers.
EDIT: I've updated the title of the question to better reflect what I'm asking. I'm not necessarily looking for a traditional ROI calculation of wireframing and prototyping, but I am looking for quantifiable benefits that are a direct result. Studies that can display, for example, "30% (arbitrary number) of reduced rework from a direct result of implementing wireframes and prototypes" is what I am in search of.
I am using some metrics from the "ROI of UX" question, such as "50% of developers time is spent in rework", which helps my case, but specific results directly from wireframing/prototying are desired.
I'm getting a lot of "advice answers" that are ultimately not the goal of this question. Most of us here at UX.SE understand prototypes and the general benefits. I am looking for quantifiable data, preferably derived from scientific analysis.
Here is an excerpt I found that is that is the type of information I'm looking for:
"In an experiment conducted at UCLA some development teams used conventional development methodologies while others employed prototypes in the software development process (with no particular emphasis on the interface). …Code of the final systems produced by prototyping groups was only about 40 percent as large as that of their counterparts, possibly at a cost in generality of design. Finally, the prototyping groups accomplished their task with 45 percent less effort than the other groups."
http://eprints.cs.vt.edu/archive/00000179/01/TR-89-42.pdf - page 5.
Edit 3:
Another great example of the information I am seeking. This is from the book "Prototyping: A Practitioner's Guide" by Todd Zaki Warfel:
Consulting company in the UK switched from requirements-oriented process to a prototyping-oriented process. The change in process resulted in the following benefits:
Time and effort required to produce the prototype and 16-page supplemental document is less than half required for the 200-page specification document
Estimates for build time and cost have become 50% more accurate
Request for clarification by the development team has been reduced by 80%
The amount of rework and bug fixes post-launch has been reduced to 25% of similar previous projects