I have a young site which I intend to be an informational blog, by which I mean I want all of the posts to follow a certain format. The format I am going for is:
- Keep the posts short enough for the average reader to digest in 5-10 minutes
- Have all posts follow the format of idea -> problem -> research -> solution chosen + why
- Use decent grammar and punctuation
Currently I have it set up so that only I and people I personally give permission to can post articles, but eventually I'd like to open this up to everyone because other people have wayyy more and better information that just me and the few people I have time to review. Before I do that however, I'd like to know they are going to follow the format of the site. The end goal is to categorize problems and solutions for a hobby which can be particularly hard to find that kind of information for.
I think information is easier to find and understand when it is served up in a consistent format. Is giving a good example of the format enough reason to leave the input free-form or should I add more rigid controls to ensure people follow the format?