I used it for my master thesis together with Design with Intent (DwI) cards. In addition to this, I used it for consuming more fruit behavior. Changing behavior needs an intent and a replacement to the existing one in general.
Persuasive Design is not only about digitization of the services but instead a variable in social, contextual,product service domain. There are some sub-strategies like assisting, suggestive and to be honest, it is very open...
You can check this set of cards which will make you to understand the intent: http://www.danlockton.com/dwi/Main_Page
It may lead you to figure out another world that design can change for a purpose.
Another example is my friends master thesis, insights by Wouter Middendorf, he created also a set of card for persuasive strategies for common usage. Here is another link: http://www.middendorf.nl/insights/
Persuasive is not a new thing, it generally diffuses our choices but designing for that was something new in early 2000's.
Common examples:
- Scarcity (there is limited place in plane)
- Suggestive (people who bought this, bought also this)
- Assisting (you completed the first week training schedule, let me arrange the second week for you)
Before believing such messages, there should be trust between two parties. Trust is for white strategies, while it is not needed when you are using black strategies of persuasion.