I have a website where there are two different kinds of accounts:
- Student: a student, once logged in, can do math quizzes
- Educator: an educator, once logged in, can view various details about the students they have. They can also register new students, enroll students in courses etc. An educator cannot take any quizzes.
Each student account is associated with one educator account, and an educator can have more than one student.
The current login page has two forms side-by-side. One is for students and one is for educators.
The problem is that many people log in as educators and cannot find how to do quizzes. They explore the website and then finally email me that they cannot do the quizzes. It seems like the user-interface of my website could be better.
I have thought of combining the login forms into one form and forcing the user to select how they want to log in (by radio buttons or similar). But I am not sure if that is going to solve the problem at hand.
Are there any better ways of presenting the login form so that people coming to my website are not confused?
Edit: as more than one answer suggested this, I am further clarifying the question.
First, it is easy to detect whether someone logged in as an educator or as a student (we already do that when we show them different interfaces after they log in). The problem is about user expectation. Let us say that a person E wants their student, S to do quizzes. They sign up for an account, creating two accounts: one for E, and one for S. Then, when they log in as E, they can add S to various courses, track S's progress, etc. When S logs in, or when E logs in as S and then gives the computer/device to S, S can do quizzes.
Now, the problem happens if E logs thinking that they would let S do the quizzes. They don't see any place to do the quizzes since they are logged in as E.
Since the website is meant for elementary school kids, most of the times it's educators logging in for the students and then having the students do the quizzes. So, for all practical purposes, the educator is in control of logging in as two users.