This may be a very old Post but I went trough the same question a few days ago, and maybe this helps others.
I found this Article and it helped me a bit, but it is from the year 2013 - so things changed.
I will break it down for you:
- one handed—49%
- cradled—36%
- two handed—15%
A quote: "The way in which users hold their phone is not a static state. Users change the way they’re holding their phone very often—sometimes every few seconds." - What happens me: I hold my phone in my right hand and my pinky finger supports the phone on the bottom (Lumia 950XL, with a case pretty heavy), after some time my pinky feels numb, so I change to the 2nd position.
One-handed use—with the
- right thumb on the screen—67%
- left thumb on the screen—33%
Cradling—with a
- thumb on the screen—72%
- finger on the screen—28%
I often see "older" people holding their phone like this. So a very important thing to keep in mind is: How old is your audience? Teenagers? Adults? Old People? I bet that most young people hold their phone with just one hand (if those small hands can reach around those Phablets).
Two-handed use—when holding a phone
- vertically, in portrait mode—90%
- horizontally, in landscape mode—10%
I hardly use my phone in landscape mode - only if I watch a video and sometimes not even then.
So the answer to the question: "Hamburger Menu, or Tab Bar?" - seems to be Tab Bar, right?
Well I asked some of my friends/colleagues (from 18-23 years, no
knowledge of UX, just Users) and 80% of them said they would prefer a
Hamburger Menu, over a bottom Tab Bar. Most of them said, that they
could see more of the content and the Tab Bar would not be in the
A lot of online posts say that a Hamburger Menu is "old" and Tab Bars should be used, because most of the people use the phone with just one hand, so a Button in the Top Left Corner would be "too far away".
The biggest questions should be:
What is your app doing? (An app where the user can scroll fro hours (9gag p.E.) has/should have the menu on top, so the content is in focus and the other functions are hardly used).
Who is your audience? (I think, that older people use their phone more with two hands than younglings.)
- Do you have a "Main Site" on your app, or is it necessary for the user to switch between sites?
- What audience do you target with your app?
Hope I could help others, who look for answers.