In my application I've got some multi-part articles, about test-driving a car. The articles are split into multiple section.
I'm using this control to navigate between the sections (note: it's not located in the navigation bar, but in the body of the article):
The user can tap on any of the sections and navigate to it. The current section is also displayed with a different background. When navigating from "Intro/History" a new view is pushed and slides in from the right (using the default navigation bar on ios).
My question is when navigating in reverse, for example from "Exterior" to "Intro/History" should I push a new view from the right, or "simulate" the back button being pressed and slide the view from the left ?
If I just push a new view situations like this might appear : A>B>A>B ... >A>B (infinitely stacked). Would this be confusing to the user ?
Also consider the situation when the users skips from the 1st section to the 4th. Should the back button then lead him to the 1st section, the 3rd section or always point to the list of articles?
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
EDIT: Here is a rough mockup of my navigation as it currently is (note that the app is for ipad not iphone; Also articles don't have their title displayed in the navigation bar, because it's in the article body):