If you have country / language specific settings that you want to allow users to select so they can view the relevant content, is it standard to ask them in a dialog box (or on the page) when they first access the site (i.e. when you first detect their ip address) or should it be a language/location option somewhere in the menu or clearly marked?
This is similar to a previous question, I guess what I want to know is whether it is implied that if there is a country flag symbol displayed somewhere clearly then you don't need to present users with a popup for them to make the selection because you can detect IP address information. Also, whether it is better to use things like URL information and display contact details so that it is obvious that location/language options are available.
Is there a situation that is necessary to ask users to provide this information directly (perhaps on first visit of the website), or are alternative cues more user friendly and less intrusive?