My website is a bit similar to StackExchange sites in regards of user interaction, but additionally it has a private messaging system. A message has a subject and a body.
Every time a new message or a reply arrives, an email is sent to the user (if he enabled email notification for messages).
My options are:
Should I include the body of the message in the email, so the user will be able to read the subject and the body in the email without having to open my website unless he needs to reply.
Or I should only include the subject with a link to the message thread in my website, so that user will have to open the website if he wants to see the content of the message, regardless he wants to reply or not.
The disadvantage I see in including the message body is that: If user can know everything about the message in the email, he will not open the website unless he wants to reply, which will result in less activity on the site. However, if I made him need to open the site to read the message, he is more likely to move around and make some activity, which is exactly what my website needs.
I'm leaning more not to include the message body, and to send only the subject + sender. But is that a good choice or there's something I'm not taking into consideration that might spoil my plans?