I have a web application that monitors a service (polls) every 30 seconds or so, and displays any new records (notifications). Each one of these must be acknowledged by an operator. The customer has requested that these notifications also come with sounds (a single, non-looping sound clip, ~ 1 second each). Here is the UI:
My question is: How should I handle multiple, simultaneous alarms? If the page refreshes data (ajax) and shows 3 new alarms, should the alarm sound be played for each alarm? I would think not. However, there is a requirement that each type of unit has its own alarm sound. In this case, would I play each different alarm sound, but at most once each?
Related, would it make sense to play for each alarm displayed, or only new alarms displayed? I.e., assume sounds have already played for the above alarms. Upon refresh, if these 3 alarms still exist, and there are no new alarms, would each sound (2 different) play again, or no alarms be played?