People who cannot read or write are named "illiterate".
Does a word exist to qualify someone in the same position but about using a computer or a web application?
This term would be really usefull to qualify an important population requiering specific attention from us to ease the access of our applications.
PS: A neologism for "computer illiterate" would be perfect. (Something based on "iwebitracy", "incomputracy", ...)
PS2: There is no jugement about this "population" (read it as the statistical term) which we all come from; "incomputracy" or illiteracy are not a disease or a deficiency. They are only a lack of practice and experience. They both result in a blocking issue for people trying to reach new strata of our universe: job, knowledge, etc. We have a word for the analogic word (illiteracy). Why is there no word for the digital world?