I have about 5 sets of forms to be filled up by the user, one by one. Most of the fields in these set of forms are mandatory so it is obvious that the user has to check out all these 5 forms. Now I need your tips and guidance on what is the best approach to make this form less annoying.
Consider this as an e-mail designer console where you keep editing the form on the left and you get a live preview over the right.
1. The Same Boring long form, again!:
Here is my first approach, although I'm never going to follow this. So the simulator/live preview is fixed to the right of the screen and the form on the left is edited. The 5 froms are placed one below the another. The user has to do the poor scrolling all the time. I find this a dis-satisfying (at-least for my implementation) UX because the user never knows what was one top and what is gonna come next. Scroll Scroll Scroll (up-down, down-up)...
Here is the screen shot.
2. Solution 2: (no more scrolling) - A dynamic console approach
Now I have put these forms in an accordion menu format. Only one form is visible at a time and others are folded-in. The web page has no scroll bars, everything is crystal clear and user knows what's next. The user has a next button at the end of each individual form. This would show him the next form in the next accordion menu when it opens up. I feel this approach is good since I would also implement individual form validation, thereby reducing the pain in validating the entire form at the end.
Here is the screen shot.
3. Much Simplified, More Space.
So this approach is some what similar to second but no accordion. Its just one form after another. But has a progress bar at the top allowing the user to navigate forms through it. I like this approach because it has much space for the form contents. In the previous type the according head was taking some vertical spaces so this minimizes it.
Screen Shot.