We're developing a web application which has a feature to upload local files to a server. The application is developed using a rich web application framework called Vaadin
The framework is very capable as a whole but I've discovered a problem for users using Firefox. If a user that uses Firefox double clicks in the file browser window (something I always do when selecting files in a file browser dialogue) there is a bug in the framework which will forward one click in the double click to the application which is in the background.
The forwarded click may have some unsettling effects such as the view switching and sometimes the application crashing.
This is a very serious problem since it will make the application look unreliable.
The bug is reported to Vaadin but hasn't really caught enough attention, so the problem will persist for some time.
The problem is avoided if the user simply selects a file and clicks "Ok" or selects a file and clicks "Enter", it's only when double clicking that the problem appears.
My question now is how I should adjust to this. There is a risk of error and we know it, how should I communicate this to the user in a way that it's registered and observed?