I'm localizing my iOS app. All of the screen text, though, is rendered in a handwriting font made by our designer... that contains no special characters. (Yeah, roll your eyes. Go for it.)
As I'm now realizing, this means our options for translation are:
- Translate only the App Store description and text in dialogs/pop-ups, leaving the rest in English
- Alter significantly the visual experience of the app by rendering everything in Helvetica
- Get the designer to make additional accent characters (he is enmeshed in a new project and will probably take a while to get to this)
- Just write the words accent-less (garcon, facade) and figure (incorrectly, surely) that if the French can ignore these for Scrabble they can ignore them in the game.
Anyone have a perspective on this? Is this super-annoying or not-really-that-annoying UX for French speakers? (Bonus: What about Chinese/Japanese? Don't think our designer is up for making those characters...)