I am in a group at University that is producing a mobile application targeted at Android. Our efforts are going to be on the mobile platform and making an application that 'stands out'.
I have come up with mock-ups and another member in the group made some suggestions that I disagree with. One screen in this application is the first screen:
It is very basic and so the scale is probably not right. The top bar is the action bar and system bars (time etc).
Once the image is chosen, it starts searching for images that match the chosen image.
One suggestion that was made was to have the buttons bouncing around the screen (not "too fast"). I don't think this is a very good idea (yet they think it is a brilliant idea).
Another suggestion was to have the user drag the image to an icon of a server to upload it. I think this may work.
It was also mentioned that standard stuff was boring so it should not be used. I disagree completely. I still think good graphics would improve the app, and maybe a bit more animation, however, the standard navigation elements are best.
So are the suggestions good ones, or are they going to hinder the use of the application?
Is the key to creating standout applications implementing crazy ideas?