From an IA/UX designer perspective, what do you think about HiFi wireframe storyboard for Web applications, instead of a classic deliverables approach?
I have read a very good documentation about Mobile Design Information Architecture deliverables:
In resume, he proposes "wireframes storyboards" (or sketches storyboards), based on views, states and events, as a whole deliverable project, instead of classic ones, based on lots of different techniques like:
- Site Maps (navigation design)
- User process/task flow (interaction design)
- wireframe page description layout (information and interface design)
- UI page workflow (navigation and interaction design)
- Design pattern (interaction design)
For mobile design it really looks great, because with just one technique (storyboard), you can cover all the previous techniques. You don't need to create, for instance, a user task flow map, because you just has to follow the storyboard. Or a SiteMap, because again, the storyboard provides all the necessary information.
What do you think about storyboarding for Web applications? Could be used after sketching section where stakeholders and designers agreed the approach? Could even tools like Balsamiq, keynote Kungfu or UX Prototyping be used instead of deliverables?