Following case exists:
User has got an web application. One part of the software is a kind of dashboard area where the user can organize all his different graph widgets (diagrams). He has different datas (e.g. CSV-files). These datas are separated columns (files) with integer, date or string values, etc. The user can drag&drop these files in the settings area (in drop zones) of the different diagrams. But some diagrams are not be able to interpret string values for example. In the moment of dragging of one file in the setting area (drop zones) happens a validation. The user gets a feedback via a small icon (forbidden or similar). The file is unable to be dropped by the user.
During that procedure the user needs additionally to get some different messages, which datas can be used, which can not be used. There will be no status message or dialogue. The Idea was to use a kind of growl message. The message fades in and fade out. An UI element which most of us know from Mac OSX and Skype (Black round rectangle with an opacity value). I would define that message as a kind of hint.
- I am not sure about the positioning of that message. Do I have to place always that message on same area? (E.g. right hand on the top of the browser or on the bottom of the browser? - User could be confused with other growl messages of his system)
- Or do I have to place the message above or below the current activated widget? Disadvantage, the position jumps and user could be confused. On the other side, the user knows which message is related to which diagram.
- How often have to appear these messages? Every time while dropping files in diagrams (Information) or only if the user drags the wrong files in diagrams (Warning)
- Do I should integrate a toggle function for these messages? (Show Hints/Don´t show hints)
May be somebody has made experiences for that cases. It would be very helpful. Let me know if you have any questions.