I've found most of our users are totally unaware of the term, though it's plastered on the front page of our Intranet site and the desktop icon they use to get to the site is labeled "(Company) Intranet".
In fact many users I've met have difficulty even remembering or pronouncing the term, a couple people at the office call it "in-tra-net" every time like it's three words. The name isn't working out.
What's a better way to refer to an internal company website? We're used to referring to the site by it's function--most people call it "payroll" because they enter payroll into it weekly, but it serves several other functions (which any given user may or may not use/be allowed to use).
Our site really needs a better name; management insists "everyone knows it as XWEB" but the "official" acronym is meaningless, never used on the site and no one outside of IT and management has ever used the term.
A solution I've thought of is "RSG Web", our initials + Web, which would make more sense than XWeb where X is the initials of a dead company. Since it's our brand I'd feel okay with this on the site, but it doesn't seem that amazing a solution either; it feels technical and awkward.