I’m working on a multi-level stepper that will help the user complete a process for an enterprise app. The main problem of the app has been sorted. Everything in the design looks fine and aligns with the business rules. However, when I was working on the sub-stepper, a question arose about whether to use dots or dashes in the sequence. I have been searching for a document explaining or summarizing the response to back up a decision. However, I have not been lucky. So I want to ask you what makes you think the following approach if you see this

1 Group One - - - 2 Group Two - - - 3 Group Three

Option a: 1.1 Subtask One —— 1.2 Subtask Two —— 1.3 Subtask Three

Option b: 1-1 Subtask One —— 1-2 Subtask Two —— 1-3 Subtask Three

Also, the UI is defined, so I don't have to use points or dashes on the Group Sections. Another insight is that my team does not count on a researcher due to the tight budget.

  • Would breadcrumbs work for your case?
    – Kish
    Commented Aug 2, 2024 at 4:00
  • Not really. The page itself is using breadcrumbs to show where the user is located in the intranet. Commented Aug 5, 2024 at 18:17
  • 1
    Where is this used ? Can you tell a bit more about the context please !
    – Ashumk
    Commented Aug 11, 2024 at 14:15
  • Are the long em-dashes supposed to be part of the display or did you chose them to present the options here? Can you provide a screenshot on how these numbers are presented to the user (e.g. horizontally, as indicated here, or vertically? With colored backgrounds or without? etc.)
    – Antares
    Commented Sep 9, 2024 at 18:09
  • I use the dashes to make an example without using a wf because my question was more a UX writing question. Commented Sep 9, 2024 at 20:53


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