I am new in the marketing design team, and it seems I'm the only one noticing the problem. This is an adult industry company, so there may not be that many to grasp for us to work with product designers. ( Plus we can barely see them.)
I joined as a creative commercial designer (I mainly do posters, illustration, exhibition planning, merch design and shooting storyboards), but still, I gotta do those minor tasks as the sales team says.
There's a packaging designer, a 3D motion designer, and two graphic designers, none of them are overseeing this team, not even the one who made the brand design standard. They barely talk to each other (about ideas), do tasks on sales requests, so when it comes to my creativity-requested projects, the marketing manager is used to letting the sales team discuss and decide whether they're gonna work or not, or if I should make further changes. Even something that's more about brand image not going into the market, they let sales dictate based on their liking and "experience with different sales regions". For that I'm frustrated.
I've been in this company for only one month and I graduated last year, so I'm not sure if it is my place to suggest all that. Managers seem open-minded, but I still have my concerns.
I don't know if I should take this up now or wait for a couple more months, and if this whole "sales team has more control over brand design than the designers themselves" thing is the normal route a company usually takes. If I bring this up, I gotta have the ability to lead the team myself then, I'm aiming for that currently non-existing role when I'm applying for this job.