Your statistical power is maximized if equal numbers of users are directed to A and B. That is, assuming one design really is better than the other, you’ll achieve statistical significance with the smallest sample size (and fewest number of days of running the test) if there is no “skewing.”
For example, with equal groups of 10,000 each, you might see this:
A |
B |
Total |
No Conversion |
8000 |
7900 |
15940 |
Conversion |
2000 |
2100 |
4100 |
Total |
10000 |
10000 |
20000 |
Conversion Rate |
0.200 |
0.210 |
Difference |
5.00% |
E. Pearson Chi2 |
3.0678 |
p |
0.0799 |
Design B outperforms A by 5%, which is statistically significant at the 0.10 level.
However, if we split our 20,000 users 70:30, then, with the conversion rates unchanged, you’d get this:
A |
B |
Total |
No Conversion |
11200 |
4740 |
15940 |
Conversion |
2800 |
1260 |
4100 |
Total |
14000 |
6000 |
20000 |
Conversion Rate |
0.200 |
0.210 |
Difference |
5.00% |
E. Pearson Chi2 |
2.5958 |
p |
0.1071 |
A and B are no longer statistically different at the 0.10 level.
It doesn’t matter appreciably which design gets the greater number of users. If B gets 70%, then you get:
A |
B |
Total |
No Conversion |
4800 |
11060 |
15860 |
Conversion |
1200 |
2940 |
4140 |
Total |
6000 |
14000 |
20000 |
Conversion Rate |
0.200 |
0.210 |
Difference |
5.00% |
E. Pearson Chi2 |
2.5585 |
p |
0.1097 |
A and B are still not significantly different. There is no statistical advantage to having unequal user groups regardless of which design you think will work better.
In this case, you’d need to increase your sample size to almost 24,000 to match the p-value with equal user groups for A and B.
A |
B |
Total |
No Conversion |
5760 |
13272 |
19032 |
Conversion |
1440 |
3528 |
4968 |
Total |
7200 |
16800 |
24000 |
Conversion Rate |
0.200 |
0.210 |
Difference |
5.00% |
E. Pearson Chi2 |
3.0702 |
p |
0.0797 |
If the client is seeking to maximize conversions (e.g., revenue), you could point out that the sooner you get the A-B test over with, the sooner they can reap the rewards of the higher conversion rate of the superior design.
In this case, it’s basically a wash. Running 24,000 users with a 30:70 split resulted in 4968 conversions. But that’s if the client’s bet pays off and B really ends up being superior. If it goes the other way, you get 4872 conversions with a 30:70 split and 24,000 users. If your client has a 70% chance of being right about which design is better (i.e., sensibly equal to the split they want to do), then the expected value is 4939 conversions.
However, running 20,000 users with a 50:50 split results in 4100 conversions. Then the next 4000 user would only get the “winner” (B), which means 0.21 * 4000 = 840 additional conversions, for a total of 4940 conversions out of the same 24,000 users. Hmm. I don’t know if it necessarily always balances out so perfectly (the math is a little complicated to determine that), but it sure doesn’t seem to help to skew the split.