I am currently building a web application which has large forms (10 - 30 input fields). I am using DevExtreme's DxForm to do this. The users using this form will be on desktop computers 100% of the time. Some input fields can be read-only based on whether you are viewing or editing the data. What are some best practices to follow when building large forms which will be used every day by people doing their jobs in terms of;
- Label position
- Font sizes
- Font weights
- Fonts used
- Grouping form items together
- Input field layout (Multiple columns vs 1?)
Imagine having the following fields;
- ID
- Forename
- Surname
- Nickname surname
- Nickname forename
- Maiden name
- Gender
- Birth place
- Birth date
- Nationality + nationality code (3 letters)
- Marital Status (Drop down)
- A yes/no flag (checkbox)
- 7 address sections (for example, should you have a label for each address part or just 1 for "Address"?)
- 2 text areas
What the form currently looks like (zoomed out so it can all fit);