I'm working with a client who's product is a large information website. Think like an encyclopedia - they come there to read content and educate themselves.
The vast majority of users just read the webpages on their phone or desktop, but a very small handful prefer to print hard copies (we don't have access to usability testing with these users).
A couple of the encyclopedic pages have small interactive forms embedded within the content - a calculator of sorts with a text input field, slider, and calculate button.
What conventions have other used (in absence of being able to usability test) to handle interactive element in the midst of text content when printing or generating a PDF?
I'm thinking about for the print CSS and PDF generation:
- skipping the interactive elements entirely (the rest of the page text does not directly refer to the interactive portion) Illustrating the
- interactive portion with overlay text indicating along the lines of "interactive portion for digital display only"
- Illustrating the interactive portion as is