Consider the scenario of trying to update the Wifi password for a router. Pulling up two sources I have access to, both OpenWRT and Google's Home/Wifi app only have a single input box for changing the password.





Password input usually comes with a type twice style system (or even a type thrice system for Current, New, Confirm).

enter image description here

Why do these two examples seem to break from the normal routine of password changing UX?

Does changing a Wifi password need a type twice system? General answers to this second question are valuable, but a focus on Material Design practices would be optimal.

1 Answer 1


Mistyping an intended wifi password is quick and easy to fix. As soon as you set the password, your next step is to join the network with the password. You essentially know right away if there was a mistake, likely with your router settings screen still up, and you fix it.

Contrast that with a traditional account password setup - your next step might not be a login. You might not try entering the password again for days or even weeks, and when you can't successfully login, it's a bit of a frustrating experience to reset the password and get back into the account. The confirmation step helps catch unintended typos before you need to use the password.

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