This is a question about the interaction between navigation via keyboard (tabbing) and initially-hidden navigation items. I’m asking from both a UX and accessibility perspective.
My site has a slide-out menu at ‘mobile’ viewports (slides out from the left when triggered by a hamburger button). So, my question is:
What would your expected behaviour be if/when the tab sequence reaches the navigation menu WITHOUT the user having explicitly revealed the menu via the hamburger? Would you expect it to:
- Reveal/open the navigation menu and place focus on the first menu item (essentially the same action as if they’d triggered the hamburger)? or
- Skip the nav menu entirely and go straight to the page content?
Currently I’ve yet to implement either option, which means that users can tab into the nav menu but not have it revealed, which of course is terrible (leaving them tabbing around in the dark, so to speak).
(Between the hamburger and the navigation menu — in the source order — there is also a ‘skip navigation’ link (hidden until focused) which adds extra decision-routing complications, but in the interest of keeping this to a single question let’s ignore that for now).