Currently, I'm redesigning the survey and I'm looking for any use case/research in which flow increases completion rates. Does someone have any insights?

  • What is your use-case? I reckon the two approaches tackle different business needs. Could you expand a bit more?
    – Giulio
    Commented Sep 1, 2022 at 12:22

3 Answers 3


Depends Both are great, and solve the user problem I thinking you should use a scrollable landing page, when you have a question with similar context and could group them.

You can use a page flow, when the questions doesn't have a similar context.


If you are filling some "Form" alike it's better to use a scrolling page. But if it is for a survey/question, I rather choose 1 question-1 page (with a progress bar) it encourages the user to more focused on filling the question.


In my project, I use questions on 1 page, because I have an interviewer who can skip questions and choose which ones to voice.

enter image description here

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