You asked if there is any statistics that can be used to essentially determine if the 10 people you are testing with are especially dumb. Essentially what you're asking is:
Looking at it simply you could assume all your users (let's say 500,000) are drawn from a normal distribution of intelligence. That would tell us that roughly 68% of the 500,000 (340,000) are within one standard deviation of the mean. Let's assume (somewhat arbitrarily) that anything below one standard deviation below the mean is considered dumb, that means any time you pick a person at random there's a 16% chance they are dumb (100-68 = 32, but half of those would be unusually intelligent). 16% is pretty high, until you start getting more and more people involved.
You get the idea. Each time you draw another sample the odds are less and less likely. (The values above are, 100 x 0.16^n, where n is the number of people and 0.16 is the decimal representation of 16 percent).
I figured I could add a little more to this. I thought I'd add a little more detail to the latter part of your question. You said if 8 our of 10 participants have an issue, how can this be blown up to take into account the whole user base. We can't simply say it's 8 dumb users so 100 * 0.16^8, because there isn't just 8 dumb users, there's also 2 smart users. There's a few ways to handle this, but I find this the most intuitive:
If we have 10 users, and we assume the distribution we discussed above (dumb is more than 1 standard divination below the mean) then we'd expect there to be between 1 and 2 dumb users per 10 people (16% = 1 or 2 out of 10). What's the chance we get 8 out of 10 as dumb users? Well we could first say what the chance we get 8 dumb people, followed by 2 smart people - 100*(0.16^8 * 0.84^2) or 0.00003% chance. But that's not really correct, because here we're saying that we specifically must get the dumb people as the first 8, and then the smart people as the last 2. What if we got 1 smart person, 8 dumb people and then 1 smart person again? Well that would be 100 * (0.84 * 0.16^8 * 0.84) which again gives us 0.00003%, but it's a different allotment of the possibilities so these percentages add up. So now the question is, how many arragements of 2 and 8 are there? There are 45. There's a few different ways to work out the 45, but I like the slow way:
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Phew. Now that that's done, and we've already proven the order doesn't effect the percentage change of the specific outcome, we can say the the chance that your 8 out of 10 users getting the wrong answer because they are dumb is: 100 * (0.84^2 * 0.16^8 ) * 45 or 0.00136373801582592%. Now, how low is this number? Well... it's about as likely than getting a straight flush in poker.